

Why is it that 5 and 13 are factors of 715?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Because 5 and 13 divide evenly into 715 with no remainder.

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Q: Why is it that 5 and 13 are factors of 715?
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What are the factors and prime factors of 715?

The 8 factors of 715 are 1, 5, 11, 13, 55, 65, 143, and 715. The prime factors of 715 are 5, 11, and 13.

What are all the factors of 715?

The factors of 715 are: 1, 5, 11, 13, 55, 65, 143, 715.

What are the factors of 715?

1, 5, 11, 13, 55, 65, 143, 715

What are factors of 715?

1, 5, 11, 13, 55, 65, 143, 715

What is a list of the prime factors of 715?

5 x 11 x 13 = 715

Express 715 as a product of prime factors?

715 = 5 x 11 x 13

What times what equals 715?

Pairs of positive integer factors of 715 are: 1 x 715 = 715 5 x 143 = 715 11 x 65 = 715 13 x 55 = 715 And their reverses.

What are the prime factors of 715?

5,11 and 13

What 3 numbers multiplied equal 715?

5 * 11 * 13 = 715

What is the prime fracorization of 715?

715 = 5 x 11 x 13

The divisors of 715?

1, 5, 11, 13, 55, , 65, 143, and 715.

What is the prime factorization 0f 715?

5 x 11 x 13 = 715