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there can be more than 1 answer for some trig equations and you must use your knowledge of periodicity to get the answers.

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Q: Why is the period of a function important when solving a trig equation?
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What is the period of a trig function?

The period of trigonometric function is the distance between repetitions of the function. The "x" value of the space it takes to start over.

What is the function of a period?

Period of a Periodic Function is the horizontal distance required for the graph of that periodic function to complete one cycle.

What are the function of period?

The period of a function is a number where the function starts keep repeating its behavior. If a function has period of 300 days , for example, every 300 days the function keeps repeating its movement and behavior. This means 300,600,900 are all the start of a new period. This is somewhat similar to the seasons. The seasons have a period of 4 and they keep repeating their pattern every other 4 season.

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The frequency of a periodic function is 1/Period

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