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if its a standard linear equation in the form of y, y=mx+b then the b is the y value when x is 0.

if it is a trigonometric function in the form of y=(a)sin(bx+c)+d or y=(a)cos(bx+c)+d then b is the factor of the period of the function. (the period can be found with the formula 2∏/b

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Q: What does the variable b stand for when seen in a an equation?
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What does the b stand for in equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

What does b stand for in an equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

What does the b stand for in an equation?

In an equation b or any other letters usually denotes the unknown variable.

In the standard equation for a line what does the variable B stand for?

If you mean the straight line equation of: y = mx+b then m is the slope and b is the y intercept

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y=mx+b is the equation for a linear relationship. y= the dependant variable m= the slope of the line x= the independent variable b= the y-intercept

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For a value to be a solution to an equation, when you substitute the value for the variable, the equation becomes true. 4+B=6 B is the variable. 2 is the solution Substitute 2 for B 4+2=6 The equation is true.

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It is an equation in the variable b.

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When it has no squares (exponent of 2).If an equation of one variable can be rearranged into a polynomial a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0, where x is the variable, and [a,b, & c] are constants and a does not equal zero, then it is a quadratic equation.If it has more than one variable, or higher powers of the variable x, then it is not a quadratic equation. See related link.

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A = b.

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an input variable is an input variable