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The word Rhombus comes from Latin rhómbos (c. 1560) that means anything that can be spun around. It's derived from the word rhémbein which means "to revolve"

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Q: Why is the shape rhombus called a rhombus?
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Is there a country called rhombus?

No, there is no country called Rhombus. Rhombus is actually a geometric shape with four sides of equal length and opposite angles of equal measure.

What shape has diagonals cross at right angles what is the shape called?

A kite, a rhombus (special case of a kite), a square (a special case of rhombus).

What is the name of a 3-dimensional rhombus?

A 3-dimensional rhombus is called a rhomboid. It is the crystaline shape of mica.

What is a shape with 4 conngruent sides called?

It is a square or a rhombus

What shape has diagonals bisect each other what is the shape called?

A rhombus satisfies this. Also a rectangle. And a square (which is both a rhombus and a rectangle). There may be others.

Every rhombus is a kite?

No, not every rhombus will be a kite. The opposite is also true that not every kite will be a rhombus.

How many faces has a rhombus?

a rhombus has 4 sides (4 lines that make the shape). I don't think it is called faces.

How is a rhombus and kites the same and different?

Because a rhombus is a shape and a kite is a object that is the shape of a rhombus. (only sometimes they are not a rhombus)

Four equal sides no right angles?

Such a shape is called a rhombus.

What is a shape with 4 equal sides but no right angles called?


What is a square pushed out of shape called?

A Rhombus, because if the sides are all the same but the angles are not all 90 degrees, it is a rhombus

What is a shape with four equal sides?

It is a rhombus. It all the angles are also equal (at 90°), then the rhombus is called a square.