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The Slope is Undefined, the line is vertical

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Q: Why is the slope of a graph x equals k where k is some constant undefined?
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A vertical line intercepting the x-axis at 9 with an undefined slope.

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Undefined slope.

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The graph of x=5 is a vertical line on a set of coordinate axes that intercepts the x-axis at 5. Its slope is undefined.

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The graph of [ x = 1 ] is a straight vertical line, parallel to the y-axis and one unit to the right of it. According to all the normal processes of naming the slope of a line on a graph, you would say that the slope of this line is "infinity", but the official way to say it is that the slope is "undefined".

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The Slope (which represents acceleration) of a constant velocity graph is Zero.

Can the graph of a linear functions have undefined slope?

Yes. For example, the lines x=7, x=-1, and x=145 all have an undefined slope; they are all vertical.

How do you tell whether a graph shows a constant or variable rate of change?

The slope of each point on the line on the graph is the rate of change at that point. If the graph is a straight line, then its slope is constant. If the graph is a curved line, then its slope changes.

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