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Whoever told you this is whacky. Why would you think this is true?

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Q: Why is three strand rope stronger than four or more strands of the same diameter?
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What is the orientation of the two nucleotide strands in relation to each other?

The two strands are held in position by hydrogen bonding between the bases.All the way along a DNA molecule, every base on one strand is paired with a base on the other strand. This pairing follows a "rule" of complementary base pairing, by which each base can only be paired with one of the other three (A with T, C with G).The hydrogen bonding is not as strong as covalent bonds. At about 94 degrees C, the two strands separate as heat ruptures the hydrogen bonds.

What is best type of anchor line?

Three-strand twisted nylon.

What is the best type of anchoring line?

Three-strand twisted nylon.

When can you braid your hair?

Well in order to Braid hair you must know how to do the most simplest braid then get in the big stuff. First take a long haired doll or a piece of your own hair and using your fingers separate it into three parts. Now this part is tricky and would be easier if there was a picture but take those stands and hold them. Ur right hand will always hold two strands. Then take the strands and you cross them. Always go right to left. Take a strand from ur right hand and take the strand from strand from ur left then put the right strand ontop of the left and right strand in ur left hand and the left strand in ur right hand. Put the left strand in back of the strand already in the right hand. Then the next time u switch u would have two strands in your left hand. U just do the same thing like before. Cross back cross back. Just repeat that. Hope this helps kinda hard to explain this without u

Which of the following statements best explains why the leading and lagging strands are synthesized using two different mechanisms?

The leading strand is created continuously, but the lagging strand is created as small fragments, known as Okazaki fragments. These fragments are later joined together to form one complete strand.

Why there is a need to compact the DNA?

The 'short' Answer is 1.87 meters. Actually it is quite True that the linear length of Dna contained in a human Cell nucleus - typically 3 to 4 micrometers in diameter - is 1.87 meters long! "Folding" occurs in three phases - the first involves the winding of the Dna strand around histone proteins - next the strands of histone wound Dna are twisted into the 10 nm fiber. Then this 10 nm fiber is wound around itself into the 30 nm fiber: this is microscopically visualized as the Chromosome Strand(s).

How do you do braids?

I i weaR Braids all the time and i know how. TrUsT Me iT WoRkS! Step one : Separtate a strand of hair from the rest Step two : Separate the strand into three strands Step three : cross the far right strand over the middle strand Step four : collect hair from the right side of your hair and add it to the right hand strand Step five: Cross the far left strand over the middle strand. Step six : Add more hair from the left side to the far left strand. Step seven : Collect more hair and add it to the far right side. Step eight : Repete steps three to seven till there is no more hair to add. Step nine : plait the rest of t! he hair. Step 10: tie braid off with an elestic band.

What is best type of anchor line for most anchoring situations?

Three strand twisted nylon

In a given strand of DNA complementary bases are connected to each other by?

H-bonds which occurs between base pairs as guanine of one strand bonded with cytosine of another strand by 3 H-bond and adenine bonded with thyamine with 2 H-bond

How many strands of floss should you use in cross-stitch?

Typical cross stitch is done with three (3) strands of floss.

Can a single DNA strand bond with another single DNA strand?

Yes this is true :) - This happens if the two strands of DNA have organic bases complimentary to one another - E.g if one strand has the Base code - TAACGATC the other strand would have the Base code - ATTGCTAG - this is because the bases pair up as so - Adenine&& Thymine and Cytosine and Guanine - this is bcause these organic bases are complimentary due to the molecular structures allowing certain number of hydrogen bonds to form between these bases - A & T have two hyrdrogen bonds and C& G have three :D xx

What is important about the DNA template strand?

The template and non-template strands of DNA are complementary.This means that if a T (thymine)occurs on one strand, there must be an A (adenine) in that position on the other strand, and that C (cytosine) is always opposite G (guanine), following the rules of complementary base pairing.There are other names for the two strands, but Googling them shows there is a lot of confusion out there! The terms "template strand" and "non-template stand" seem to be the only ones that everyone uses consistently. The template strand is the strand along which messenger RNA is synthesized, and has, of course, a base sequence complementary to that of the RNA.The term "gene" is often applied to the non-template strand, the argument being that the non-template DNA strand and the mRNA have the same base sequence (except that where DNA has T, RNA has U, uracil).In transcription, RNAP uses template strand to make a copy of mRNA. Complementary to template strand is the coding strand, which sequence is identical to mRNA sequence except for the substitution of U for T. Although the coding strand is not used as a template for common transcription events, it is called coding because its sequence is used as a copy in mRNA sequence. For the case of "sense", terminologically template strand is called antisense, and coding strand is called the sense strand.Template/non-coding/antisenseNon-template/coding/senseMany people confuse complementary sequences with palindromic sequence which you can find in restriction system recognition sequences. Although the template strand yields a sense (functional) sequence in mRNA and thus a properly-folded protein, the complementary strand of it, non-template strand upon being transcribed yields a totally different and non-functional protein. However in terms of transcription of palindrome, both strands yield the same mRNA sequence, thus the same protein.Coding strand of a particular gene can be on one of either two strands of DNA, and thus this applies to the opposite strand of the said strand for the non-coding strand. The direction of transcription on a double-stranded DNA depends on whether the upper or lower strand is being transcribed. Therefore on a linearised genome, transcription occurs to the left for certain genes and to the right for the remaining genes.