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Measure the lenth of a long piece of chalk the chalk is 8units long it was 3 units long explain why both measurements might be corret

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Q: Why might a long piece of chalk measure 8 units and3 units?
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Richard and tanya measured the length of a long piece of chalk richard said the chalk was 8 units long and tanya said it was 3 units long explain why both measurements might be correct?

They were using different units of measurement. For example, 8 cm is equal to 3 inches approx.

What is the length of a chalk?

To know if you want to take the answer its all right thak my answer it is 5 inch or 5 cm thank about it you will get it thank a ruler and put the ruler by the chalk and your answer is 5 inch or 5 cm

How can a piece of chalk be 8 units long and 3 units long and be the same answer?

Well it depends on the inertial reference frame you're in. For example, due to relativistic theories of length contraction, when moving at extreme velocities (close to the speed of light), objects outside appear smaller so the piece of chalk can be both 8 units long and 3 units long depending on the inertial reference frame being considered.

How would you ix 1 part water to 3 parts chalk mix?

You can choose any units you wish, e.g. ml, grams, cups, ounces, etc. Just measure 1 part water and add 3 parts chalk mix. Example: measure out 1 cup of water and add 3 cups of chalk mix.

What metric units might you use to measure the weight of a boat?

Mega Newtons, most likely.

What is square units measure?

Square units measure area.

What is the measure of the number of units square?

Area is a measure of square units.

What unit is used to mesure a lemon?

You could use either weight or volume. So you might measure it in grams or oz, but you might also look at its volume and measure it in cc or similar units.

How big is a 10 x10 x 5 peridot?

The answer will depend on the units which were used to measure it as 10x10x5.The answer will depend on the units which were used to measure it as 10x10x5.The answer will depend on the units which were used to measure it as 10x10x5.The answer will depend on the units which were used to measure it as 10x10x5.

What units are used to measure units?

simply units....

What is the difference between area and square units?

Square units are used to measure the area of something.

How is viscosity measured in units?

Viscosity is the measure of a fluids ability to flow, it is measured in pascal-seconds(this link might help)