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If you build Swimming Pools, you need to know how much water can fit in it to market it properly.

If you own a farm with a grain silo, you need to know how much grain the silo can hold.

If you're blacktopping a driveway, you have to be able to figure out the area of the surface to charge them properly. You'll need this to know how much tar is required depending on how thin or think the coating needs to be (volume).

If you're gold-plating wire, you need to know how much gold is required so you're not wasting money.

I know you're not likely going to do all of these, and some are pretty out there, but these are real examples of how volume and area are used. -Agnes

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Q: Why might knowing the volume of an object be important in life?
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What is the volume of a square pyramid measured in?

The volume of any object is measured in cubic units of length - whatever the shape of the object. The only thing that might change are the units of length themselves: if you are imperial minded, then the volume of a model pyramid would be measured in cubic inches, that of the Egyptian or Central/South American ones would be in cubic yards. If you are SI minded, then you will prefer cubic centimetres or cubic metres.

How can you find the volume of a cube and of an irregularly shape object?

To find the volume of a cube, just measure one edge, and then take the third power of that number (which is to say, it gets multiplied by itself 3 times, so for an edge that it 2" long, you would have 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 cubic inches). To find the volume of an irregularly shaped object, you need a graduated cylinder. You immerse the object in water, and you observe how far the water level rises in the cylinder. If the object is soluble in water, you might use some other liquid such as cooking oil.

What are real life examples where finding the volume of a sphere might be useful?

When taking a math examination is the most important real life example.

What is the volume of an aquiarm that is 120 cm long 60cm wide and 100cm high?

The volume of the aquiarm - whatever that might be - is 720,000 cm3 or 0.72 m3The volume of the aquiarm - whatever that might be - is 720,000 cm3 or 0.72 m3The volume of the aquiarm - whatever that might be - is 720,000 cm3 or 0.72 m3The volume of the aquiarm - whatever that might be - is 720,000 cm3 or 0.72 m3

What tool is used to measure volume of an irregularly shaped object?

This would be called a graduated cillender. But the ccs vary in this tool...from 100 to 1000 * * * * * A graduated CYLINDER might be a better choice!

Related questions

Does freezing affect the weight of an object?

No it does not, but it might affect the volume of the object (it might shrink or expand).

Is the volume of an object the same as its capacity?

No, capacity requires knowing the size of the objects filling the volume. Something might be 2 m3 but that doesn't mean its truck capacity is 2. As a matter of fact, its truck capacity would be zero.

If volume is measured in cubic units how might we calculate the volume of an object?

Volume is length*width*height in cubic units. If this is not possible then when an object is immersed in water the water displaced is equal to the volume of the object which was discovered by Archimedes.

Why might the volume of one object differ from the sum of the volumes of its parts and the volume of another object equal the sum of the volumes of its parts?

the volume of its parts would be equal to the amount off butts an object gives off

Why might an object float in water?

Since density is proportional to it's mass and the ability to float is inversely proportional to it's volume, an object that's heavy will sink and an object that's light should float. An object that has some surface volume should float, while an object that has little surface volume should sink.

How the density of a regular and irregular objects determined?

Weigh the object. Determine the volume. Divide the mass by the volume to get the density. To get the volume of an irregular shaped object can be challenging especially if there are cavities (holes) in it. submersion in a liquid or powder of known volume might be possible. Measure the difference in the volume of the liquid and the liquid + the object (making sure the object is entirely below the surface of the liquid and that any cavities are filled).

How might someone find the volume in a small chunk of gold?

how small? To find to volume of an irregular object measure how many mL of water it displaces.

For what reasons might a designer need to know the volume and surface area of an object?

Designers must know the volume and surface area of an object because they must know how much space the object has inside it to put mabey parts in the object and to see how much the object weighs to see if it can fit somewhere without breaking it

Why might a designer need to know the volume and surface area of an object?

i dont know? dont use this for your ied do nows

Why might a small increase in the demensions of an object cause a large change in its volume?

A small increase in the dimension increases the volume dramatically because the increases are all multiplied by each other. A balloon is a great example of volume increasing rapidly.

Volume of an irregulary shaped object?

To find the volume of an irregular object you may use water displacement. This is basically measuring an amount of water in a graduated cylinder, adding the object, and seeing how much the water level rises. Since 1mL=1cm3, the difference in the two water levels is the volume of the object in cubic centimeters.

How is the weight of an object related to its density?

They are correlated by volume weight/volume = density. For example, in a metal coin, the weight might not be much, but the volume is also very low, so it turns out that the density is high. Gases have almost no weight in a lot of volume, so their density is low.