A round wheel will roll; a square won't, or not without a great deal of effort. It's easier to move a round object than a square one.
If the wheel isn't round, the axle would be forced to move up & down as the wheel turns, effectively creating a series of small uphills and downhills. And if the uphill gets too steep, like with a perfect square,, the wheel might start to slide instead of turn, at which you lose the point of having wheels in the first place.
Common sense. A square wheel/tire would not roll. Try rolling a brick.
It would be awfully hard and awkward for the drivers hands to turn a triangle, square or rectangle steering device. (It wouldn't be a wheel then).It generally takes several full turns to go from full left to full right. with a (mostly) round wheel, you have equally good leverage through the full range of motion.
There is no definition of the word cicle, however the term circle denotes a round shape that is completely uniform. For example, a wheel is a circular shape.
Well, at least round-ish. It has to be fairly round to work as a wheel.
I'm guessing 1 of your tyres? It means it's out of shape, usually causes a vibration or wheel bearing type noise.
Truing= process of making a wheel round and concentric* producing the form or shape of the wheel* Dressing= operation of removing the dull grains and metal particles. hope that helped
Actually there are lots of vehicles which do not have round wheels. A sled has runners (runners are essentially large skis). A military tank runs on caterpillar treads. Various forms of air travel do not require wheels (although some do use landing wheels). Boats do not require wheels (although they may have steering wheels). And so forth. If you are asking why wheels are round instead of some other shape, round wheels roll more easily than any other shape.
Square would be a very impractical shape fora Ferris Wheel. It'd make getting on and off quite difficult or inefficient.
Some popular recipes that feature the keyword "wheel dish" include dishes like pizza, quiche, and tarts that are typically served in a round shape resembling a wheel.
Wheel is a "Toroid" shape which is like a donut.
A wheel is a round object that can spin