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Q: Why should Phrygian mode be used in moderation?
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Instead of banning certain modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reasons. According to Aristotle the Phrygian mode should be used in moderation because it?

Aristotle thought the Phrygian mode should be used sparingly because it made people excited and emotional.

Instead of banning certain modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reasons According to Aristotle the Phrygian mode should be used in moderation because it?

Each mode expressed a certain feeling and each mode had its place -Apex

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They are used for creating different moods in music (for example Phrygian and Locrian sound dark while Ionian is very pretty).

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Instead of banning modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reasons According to Aristotle music had great power to influence your?

Each mode expressed a certain feeling and each mode had its place. The Mixolydian mode can make you sad and grave. The Dorian mode settles the mind, is the gravest, the manliest, and avoids extremes. The Phrygian mode is exciting and emotional and inspires enthusiasm. Relaxed modes, Lyndian and Ionian, make people stupid.

How did Aristotle think the modes should be used?

Aristotle thought the modes should be used to express a certain feeling and each mode had its place.