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because pie mode has maximum of its output efficent and is mostly used mode in the case of magnetron

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Q: What is pi mode operation in tunable magnetron?
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Field control of dc servo motor?

Relation isF=pi*i*L*sin thetaBut T= r*fso T= pi*i*r*L*sin thetapi(flux) and i (current) are changeable while all others are constant.soT= k pi * iDc servomotor Under Feild Control:** Armature Current is Kept Constant** Flux can be variedThe armature current can be kept constant by applying a constant current source at armature winding of DC servoMotorTorque generated by the dc servo motor is controlled by feild current..This mode of operation is called Feild Control

What is expression can be use to find THE APPROXImate circumference of a outer circle?

Radius * 2 * pi (you might aswell use the computer's calculator in scientific mode)

What is the accurate version of pi?

pi is an irrational number and one characteristic of irrational numbers is that their decimal representation is neither terminating nor recurrent. This is also true for any other base for counting (other than pi itself). Also, pi is a transcendental number and so cannot be represented as a sum of algebraic operation on integers. Although the value of pi has been calculated to an accuracy of over a trillion digits, only 40 digits are required to calculate the circumference of the observable universe to the accuracy of the size of a hydrogen atom!

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(pi)(1/pi)=1.4396 ...

Is the theta in a projectile equation measured in degrees or radians?

The equations for projectiles shouldn't just have theta, they should have sin(theta) or cos(theta). As long as you have your calculator set in the right mode, either will work when you evaluate sin or cosine. Example: Say you have a projectile launched at 30 degrees above horizontal. In order to find the y velocity, you will have to calculate sin(30) with you calculator in degree mode. If instead you called this angle pi/6 (the same angle, just in radians), you could enter sin(pi/6) in your calculator in radians mode and get the same answer.