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Simply returning a serve is usually a defensive move: the initiative is left with the server. However, if you have an effective team, more than one hit enables you to attack rather than simply returning the serve.

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Q: Why should people use more than one hit off the serve in volleyball?
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Related questions

Does a team have to serve in order to score points in regular scoring volleyball?

Not any more. It used to be that you had to serve to make a point, but that isn't so any more.

What should you do to further develop your soft skills and technical skills in volleyball?

If a person wants to further develop the soft skills and technical skills with volleyball the first thing they should do is practice. For more technical aspects, they can watch videos and study them to learn more.

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Why is an overhand serve dangerous and more difficult in volleyball?

its more difficult than an underhand serve because you throw it in the air and try to hit it. its more easier to do an underhand serve because you hold it your hand rather than throwing it in the air. its more dangerous because it goes in a faster speed than an underhand serve.

Do mini volleyball and volleyball have same rules?

I don't know much but i do know (1) in volleyball you can have 6 people on Court and in mini you can have only 4 (2) In mini volleyball you can not kick the ball but in volleyball you can (3) In volleyball you have sets and in mini you just count all the scores (4) If a boy is playing in a team they will put the net up higher (5) you can serve over arm i think you can do that in mini volleyball as well but people just don't bother because in practice they only teach year 5's and over. That's all i know there are probably heaps more rules but there are some :)

Can there be more then 15 people on a volleyball team?

yes but not on a court

What is a float in volleyball?

A float serve is a serve with very little spin (preferably no spin) that moves much more than a top spin serve. It is performed by striking the ball with a flat palm and "paintbrushing" (not snapping your wrist).

What are the kinds of services of volleyball?

these are only ones i can think of but there could be more jump serve floater regular serve side serve under hand serve drop serve (where the ball just basically drops over on the other side hard) dinker serve (not the best and normally not on purpose) short serve long serve

Is it easier to get hurt in indoor volleyball or outdoor volleyball?

You can get hurt in both but indoor volleyball should be in wood, i mean, the floor, so if you fall you will hurt more than in the grass or sand.

What are some Olympic volleyball teams?

By Olympic volleyball, you should be meaning beach volleyball. There is the Japan, Soviet Union, South Korea. Russia, Brazil, United States, and more than that.

Diagram of volleyball court?

Click on the 'Volleyball Basics' link on this page to see a document about the basics of volleyball, including serving, digging, and spiking. The information about the serve is on page 10. You will need the Adobe reader to view the document.

Does it take more skill to play soccer or to play volleyball?

I think Volleyball, but thats just my opinon! Its easier to kick a ball where you want it to go, but controling the ball when passing, setting, and spiking is much harder. Also in Volleyball you must perfect you serve. Hope that helps!