Te term "mathematic" is a descriptive adjective used to describe something related to math; the term "mathematician" is a noun meaning a person skilled or learned in math.
the incorrect term for mass is weight
if you want a short answer, an angle with a measure between 180 degrees and 90 degrees
Yes, "irregardless" is considered nonstandard and grammatically incorrect. The correct term is "regardless."
It is a rational number.
Some four letter words that can be made from the letters in 'mathematic' are:acheacmeahemcamecatechatchitciteeachemitetchhateheatitchitemmacemachmaimmamamatemathmeatmicamicemimemitemitttacttametateteamteatthatthemtime
Cacodoxy is a collective term for incorrect doctrine or opinions.
to get a better answer
The Elements.
The answer depends on what is wrong with them.