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Because all foods fit in those groups and it may become hard to understand.

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Q: Why there are usually no more than 4 or 5 stages in a food chain?
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Why is there usually no more than four or five stages in a food chain?

There cannot be too many links in a food chain. Food chains always begin with a plant and end with an animal. If there are more than 4 or 5 links in the chain , there will not be enough food for the animals at the end of the chain.

How are a food pyramid and a food chain different?

A food chain is more relative. A food pyramid is more empirical. The food pyramid is more useful in determining food groups and needs.

Why do food chains usually have no more than four animals?

because it's a chain...and the chains added together make a food web...duhh! ^ this is wrongg because so much energy passes of a food chain, there is not enough energy for any more species

Is more food avilable at the top or the bottom of a food chain?

There's more at the top of the food chain because there's more animals and food lower down.

What is a difference between a food chain and a food web?

the difference is that a food chain is smaller then a food web because a food web is more animals then a food chain

What information can you get from a food web the you cannot get from a food chain?

its just a more complicated form of a food chain

Why do most food chains consist of no more than 3 or 4 levels?

During the progression of each stage, the organisms in the food chain exert tons of energy. Most chains are broken down to four stages for that reason.

Which organism belong to more than one food chain?

Plants and insects belong to more than one food chain

Does the top of the food chain have the same amount as the bottom?

Typically, the food chain is like a pyramid more than a chain. The lower on the food chain an organism is, the more of them that there are, because the lower organisms are usually smaller so it takes more of them to feed the larger ones at the top. ie sardines eat plankton, tuna eat sardines, and sharks eat the tuna.....each one is bigger than the other so there are more plankton than tuna, and more tuna than sharks.

Why is a complex food web better than a simple food chain for the survival of the community?

A food web can more readily react to changes in the environment that impact one or more species. Also a food web is sometimes strengthened by the loss of one or more species if that species is overly aggressive, whereas a food chain is only as strong as it's weakest link and is always diminished or destroyed by the loss of any member. In short, a food web is more adaptive than a food chain and usually more diverse with more opportunity for cooperative advantage, improving chances of survival over a chain for the included species, especially species higher in the web (further from photosynthesis).

Why is the Inuit food chain longer than the farmed food chain?

because the humans has more energy

What would happen if the predator died in a food chain?

it depends, doo you a food chain with only one preditor, or two or more? if one then the food chain is out of wack if two or more then the one that went extinced well then the other preditors will haves more food