It looks like a 3-D triangle.
It could be a pyramid
Pyramid is a triangle shaped object. Search online for images.
It looks like a triangle. Lots of young people at the bottom of the triangle, with fewer and fewer people as you go up the age scale.
a triangular pyramid is a shape with 5 sides and looks like a triangle just 3d wall a square pyramid has 6 sides and is like a square just 3d
No. A pyramid is a 3-dimensional object. A triangle is 2D.
A pyramid shape looks lyke a pyramid
the pyramidsthe object that is shaped like a pyramid is/are paper folded by triangle and the shape that is like the shape of an pyramid is triangle.
a triangular pyramid looks like a pyramid with 4 sides and 1 face
it looks like a triangle
A Cone
It looks like a triangle that has two sides that are the same length.