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Q: Why was rational numbers needed in history?
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How many rational numbers are there between two consecutive rational numbers?

There are no consecutive rational numbers. Between any two rational numbers there are an infinity of rational numbers.

Is 3.9 rational or irrational?

If there are no numbers after the 9 it is rational

What is the history of rational numbers?

The history of rational numbers goes way back to the beginning of historical times. It is believed that knowledge of rational number precedes history but no evidence of this survives today. The earliest evidence is in the Ancient Egyptian document the Kahun Papyrus. Ancient Greeks also worked on rational numbers as a part of their number theory. Euclid's elements dates to around 300 BC. Indian mathematicians also worked on rational numbers. This is documented in different texts but the most important is probably the Sthananga Sutra which dates back to around the second century BC.

Where was rational numbers first used?

Most probably way back in pre-history.

Which are the two rational numbers that are most often mentioned in the history of mathematics?

0 and 1.

Are some rational numbers are not real numbers?

No. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. All rational numbers are real.

Are rational numbers whole numbers?

The set of rational numbers includes all whole numbers, so SOME rational numbers will also be whole number. But not all rational numbers are whole numbers. So, as a rule, no, rational numbers are not whole numbers.

Is the difference of rational numbers a rational number?

Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction. All natural numbers are rational.

Is 6.6 irrational or rational?

6.6 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

Are natural numbers the same of rational numbers?

The set of rational numbers includes the set of natural numbers but they are not the same. All natural numbers are rational, not all rational numbers are natural.

Are all rational numbers whole numbers?

All rational numbers are not whole numbers, as rational numbers can include fractions.

Is -14 a rational or irrational number?

14 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational Numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.