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Both Liebnez and Newton developed calculus at about the same time and there was a row between them over who developed calculus first.

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Q: Why was there debate over the discovery of the math field of calculus?
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What was the final conclusion of the debate of the discovery in the math field of calculus?

Leibniz had the audacity to take his case to the Royal Society, where Issac Newton was president. Needless to say, Leibniz's complaint was tabled. So, calculus is still considered founded by both men, though we use more of the Leibniz methods because the tract Newton wrote, The Principia Mathamatica, was impenetrable to all but a few mathematicians for years after written.

Is calculus a sport?

Calculus is a type of math.

What was isaac newtons math field?

Newton was primarily a physicist. He invented calculus in order to understand and explain the laws of physics. He and Leibniz in Germany independently invented the calculus.

Do you need to understand higher math such as calculus to become a doctor?

It depends on your field of expertise and specialization in your field. If you are under the sciences, then it likely that you must know it since knowledge about calculus is required in higher mathematics used in the field. If, say, your field is Psychology, most likely it is uneeded.

What types of math do zoologist need to know?

statistics, calculus, and college algebra. but it depends on what field of zoologyyou go into.

Is calculus a type of math?

Yes calculus is a type of math that deals with the study of continuously changing quantities.

What is the difference between computers and calculus?

Calculus is a form of math. Computers are devices (or persons) that perform math.

What is calculus and is it a good subject?

calculus is math and it is a good subject

What math classes do seniors take?

Calculus or AP Calculus

What math has to be known in order to do Calculus?

In order to solve problems using Calculus, you have to know Calculus.

Which is more difficult to learn calculus or geometry?

Calculus is a higher level math

Is it true that if you are good at math you will fail calculus and linear algebra?

No. Chances are it will be the other way around: if you are bad at math, you stand a good chance of failing calculus or linear algebra. You will perform best at calculus and algebra if you have a strong math background.