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Q: Why were Cole and his father so out of line at the circle justice meeting?
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Related questions

How many of Cole's classmates show up for circle of justice?

there where about like 10 students at the circle justice

Where does Cole's parents sit at circle justice?

Cole's parents typically sit with him, on opposite sides of the circle, during circle justice meetings. They are there to provide support to Cole, listen to the perspectives of others, and participate in the healing process as a family unit.

Who is allowed to be at Cole's circle justice?

Participants in Cole's circle justice process may include Cole, his family and friends, a facilitator or mediator, and individuals directly impacted by the situation that led to the circle justice being convened. Other members of the community depending on the model being used.

Who brought cole Matthews to the island in touching spirit bear?

Circle Justice

What is the setting in touching spirit bear?

The setting is at an island that circle justice has sent cole

What does Cole accuse his father of him in the circle in Touching Spirit Bear?

Being a drunk and abusive father

What page in the book Touching Spirit Bear was cole in circle justice?

Cole was in Circle Justice in the book "Touching Spirit Bear" on page 35.

Where does Cole's parents sit at circle justice touching spirit bear?

next to him. His dad on the left and his mom on the right.

What happens in chapters 10-15 of Touching Spirit Bear?

In chapters 10-15 of "Touching Spirit Bear," Cole continues to undergo his healing journey on the island. He struggles with his inner demons and confronts his past traumas. He starts to embrace the lessons taught to him by the Spirit Bear and begins to make peace with himself and others.

In Touching Spirit Bear what conflict is person vs society?

I think when cole was struggling to survive or when they had the circle justice meetings.

Why do you think Garvey agreed to be Cole's sponsor in the circle justice in touching spirit bear?

Because everyone els sees Cole as a lost cause. Mr. Garvey sees Cole as a good kid deep down.

Who is dating Victoria Justice Cole Sprouse?

Victoia justice is dating Cole sprouse