

Why were sundials used?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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11y ago

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Sundials were used to tell time, back without watches.

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Q: Why were sundials used?
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Related questions

Why Sundials can't be used at night?

Sundials require sunlight.

When did they use sundials?

There is no specific date stated as to when sundials were first used.

Where were the first sundials used?

The sundials were first used back in the day around 1566bc1500bc-1300bc

Who used the sundial?

There have been many cultures use the sundials over the years. The Egyptians and Mayans both used the sundials. The American government used sundials in the 1830's.

Who made the sundials?

Sundials are normally made of metal, however the materials may vary. Sundials were thought to be used in around 3500 BC.

Are sundials used today?

Yes, but in the main people rely on mechanical watches rather than sundials.

What materials were used for roman clocks?

The Romans did not have clocks. They used sundials

What are the types of sundials?

The two types of sundials are altitude and azimuth sundials.

When did sundials first originate in history?

It is not known exactly when Sundials first originated. There are records indicating that some type of sundial was used around the year 700 BC. The Greeks were introduced to sundials in 560 BC. But the exact date they were first used in not known.

When the Romans used sundials how could they tell the exact time on rainy days or with no sun?

They couldn't tell the time from sundials because there was no sun.

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How did they tell the time in stone age?

In the Stone Age, people likely used natural indicators like the position of the sun and shadows to estimate the time of day. They may have also observed the behavior of animals or used rudimentary timekeeping devices such as sundials or water clocks.