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Q: Why will opposite sides of a magnet never repel?
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How do you levitate a magnet?

Have a magnet underneath it with opposite sides facing each other or hold a magnet over the magnet you are trying to levitate. Opposite sides facing each other

What do people mean by the north and south poles of a magnet witch poles repel each other and witch poles attract each other?

Magnets have two opposite sides, called "north" and "south". The same sides, for example north and north, of different magnets repel each other, while opposite sides (north vs. south) attract each other.

On a magnet which pulls and which repels?

Parts that have the same charge will repel. Opposite charges attract/pull each other. So positive sides of magnets attract negatively charged magnets and repel positively charged magnets. Negative sides of magnets attract positively charged magnets and repel negatively charged magnets.

WHY do similar sides attract on a magnet?

SIMILAR repel, opposites attract. And they are because of that because of the magnetic fields.

When do magnets attract?

Magnets attract when the south side of a magnet is facing towards the north side of another magnet. If the sides are both north or south the magnet will then repel. ( Opposites attract and Likes repel )

How do similar and opposite sides of a magnet interact with other magnets?

Opposite ends (one north pole, one south pole) attract one another; equal ends (two north poles; or two south poles) repel one another.

How do magnets repeal?

This is because magnets have north and south poles, which attract and repel each other. Opposite sides of the magnet attract each other like a south pole of the magnet touching the north pole of another magnet, while the same sides of a magnet like a north pole of one magnet touching a north pole from another magnet.

Why did magnetic fields happen?

magnetic field to attract opposite sides of another magnet

Why do magnets repel from each other when one is flipped over?

I think that the same poles of two different magnets repel each other because they are not in perfect harmony. They must have the negative and the positive for there to be co-operation. The north for example is the positive and the south is the negative, so one gives off energy and the other need it so they attach. But the opposite poles either push each other away with the excess energy they produce or they go off in seek of the energy they need in another source therefore moving away from each other.

What happens when two opposite sides of a magnet are in contact with each other?

they attract each other and stick together

Are the opposite sides of a kite are never parallel?

Yes that is true

Is the north bar stronger than the south manget?

No. The magnet has a sort of symmetry, in the sense that its two sides are "equal but opposite".