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If you place a + charged side and a - charged side of a magnet together - they will attract.

The theory behind this is that sides of polar opposites (meaning north and south) will form an attraction with their protons and electrons to form a bond. Polar similarities contain a balance and will therefore repel the forces of the other magnet to maintain their equilibrium.

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Q: When a negative and a positive are together they repel or attract?
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All of the metals attract and repel, but if a: negative and positive come together= attract positve and a negative come together= attract negative and negative come together= repel positive and positive come together= repel

Will positive and negative attract or repel?

they will definatly attract

Does a magnet repel its same type?

Positive end to positive end = repel Negative end to negative end = repel Negative end to positive end = attract

Do electric charges attract or repel each other?


Will a ball with a positive charge attract or repel a ball with negative charge?

A ball with a positive charge will attract a ball with a negative charge because opposite charges attract each other according to the laws of electrostatics.

Which of these will different charges do?

Positive charges attract negative charges and repel other positive charges. Negative charges do the opposite, attracting positive charges and repelling other negative charges. Like charges repel and opposite charges attract.

Do electric forces cause objects to repel or attract each other?

Electric forces can cause objects to either repel or attract each other. Objects with like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) will repel each other, while objects with opposite charges (positive-negative) will attract each other.

Why do batteries have a positive and negative side?

they do because like magnets we have negative and positive ,negative and negative repel and vise verse but positive and negative attract

Do opposite charges attract each other?

If the atoms have opposite charges (positive to negative) they will attract. If the atoms have the same charges (positive to positive or negative to negative) then they will repel. You can look at the Law of Electric Charges to get more information on this.

What makes objects attract or repel each other?

Objects attract or repel each other due to the electric charge they carry. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other, while opposite charges (positive-negative) attract each other. This is governed by the fundamental force of nature called electromagnetism.

Do two positives attract or repel?

Two positive charges will repel each other due to the like charges. Positive and negative charges will attract each other.

Which property causes atomic particles to attract or repel each other?

The property that causes atomic particles to attract or repel each other is their electric charge. Oppositely charged particles (positive and negative) attract each other, while particles with the same charge (positive-to-positive or negative-to-negative) repel each other.