When a problem asks, for example, for 2/5 of 100, this can be stated as 2/5 times 100. The situation is similar if you use decimals instead of fractions. 0.15 of 100 is the same as 0.15 x 100.
The denominator of a decimal fraction is a power of ten. For example 3/10, 13/100, 456/100000 etc. are all decimal fractions. Percentage is probably the most commonly used decimal fraction.
To express 4750 as a decimal, you simply write it as 4750.0. To convert it to a fraction, you can write it as 4750/1, since any whole number can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 1.
49 over 100, in decimal form is 0.49; the rest of the question does not make sense.
To posses fraction sense is to have a conceptual and procedural working knowledge of fractions. To reasonably apply fraction knowledge to new situations. Fraction sense is a part of number sense and numeracy. A.Gillian (2013).
It is not possible to answer this question. There is no decimal point in the number and so repeating does not make sense. Furthermore, it is not possible to guess whether the intended fraction is 0.252525... or 0.2555... or 2.555... .
The decimal integers 1, 2 and 4 go into them.The concept of divisibility makes no sense if you allow rational or decimal fractions. This is because every non-zero fraction will go into any other number.
0.8 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. So, in a sense you don't need to do anything! Its equivalent, in rational form, is 8/10. You can simplify this rational fraction if you so wish.
doesn't make sense, it's like saying what integer is equivalent to 5, the answer is 5, like the equivalent decimal to .91 is .91 or .910 or .91000, if you want a fraction it's 91/100
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So provided the number is a decimal fraction, it can be represented as a mixed number. If it is a decimal integer then it is not a mixed number and it makes no sense to try to represent it as one.
If a/b = c/d, then ad = BC. this don't make sense : @ this sucks right ha ha big up Chris smoove
-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.-041666 is an integer and not a fraction so it makes little sense to write it as a fraction. But, if you must, one equivalent is -41666/1.
1) First you divide 1 by 10 (because you have ten percent)2) Then you will get and answer of 0.1. And convert the decimal 0.1 to the fraction which is 1/103) But sense your working with percentages your number has to be out of 100. So add a zero to your numerator (Top number) and your denominator (Bottom number) and you will get a fraction of 10/100.That's how you get 10% as a fraction! :)