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Q: Why would you want to simplify an algebraic expression?
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How do you find the value of an algebraic expression by substituting a number for each variable and simplifying?

The answer to the question is given in the question!If you want to find the value of an algebraic expression, then you need to substitute numerical values for each of the variables in the expression, and then calculate and simplify the result.

Why would you want to simplify an algebraic equation?

Simplifying an equation often helps solve it.

What is the algebraic expression for the product of 14 times a number?

Assuming you call your number "n", the expression would be "14n". You can replace "n" with whatever variable you want to use.

Simplify math expressions?

Yes, you can but it depends on the context. You can simplify fractions, or simplify surds, or algebraic expressions and in each case the simplification means different things. So if you want a sensible answer to your question I would suggest that you use a proper question rather than stick a quastion mark at the end of a phrase!

You want to write a algebraic expression on every roll there is 130 feet of wire you need 65 feet of wire per board how many rolls of wire would you need for 12 boards?


What does algebrac expression mean?

An algebraic expression is a way of recording or communicating a general idea or quantity. For example, if we want to say how many gloves we need in order to to give gloves to five people, that's 2 x 5 gloves = 10, but if we want to say how many gloves anynumber of people need, we say it's two times the number of people. This is an algebraic expression. It doesn't specify how many people there are. A more usual algebraic way of writing the number of gloves needed would be 2p, where p stands for the number of people. 2p means 2 x p. We don't usually bother to write the multiplication sign.

How do you write and simplify an expression of a right triangle base20 height x-6?


What is 190 feet less than 4 times its width in algebraic expression form?

x = 4x -190 is what you want, I think. (Solve for x and add feet to your answer.)

What is the algebraic expression for the product of 5 and a number increased by 3?

5n + 3 is probably what you want. It could possibly be 5 (n+3) depending on where you pause when you say it.

Is it wrong to want to simplify a wedding?

Wrong? I think most people would say no. Generally speaking, your wedding can be anything you want it to be.

How would you equate equations with exponents to zero?

I am not entirely sure what kind of equation you want to solve. Anyway, if an expression has an exponent of zero, the entire expression is usually equal to 1 (unless you raise zero to the power zero; that's undefined). Perhaps that can help you simplify the expression. For example: if you have an equation such as (x+y+z)0 + 5x + 3 = 10 The entire left expression, (x+y+z)0 can be replaced with 1, thus simplifying the equation.

How do you write one over four the difference of a number and seven in an algebraic expression?

It's a bit hard to understand your question; I assume you mean a quarter of the difference between a number and 7. Let's call that number x, then the algebraic expression is 1/4 |x - 7| Where the | symbols represent the absolute value or modulus of the expression between them, which always gives you a positive number. Imagine the 1/4 is written with the 1 over 4 like it would usually be. For x = 3, you get 1. Otherwise if you want to allow negatives, you can say 1/4 (x - 7) which for x = 3 gives you -1.