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Yes, you can but it depends on the context. You can simplify fractions, or simplify surds, or algebraic expressions and in each case the simplification means different things. So if you want a sensible answer to your question I would suggest that you use a proper question rather than stick a quastion mark at the end of a phrase!

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Q: Simplify math expressions
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Related questions

How can you simplify in math?

It depends on the context. You can simplify expressions, fractions, surds and so on. The methods for each is different so it is necessary to know a bit more before the question can be answered.

What is the difference between simplifying and solving in math?

You simplify expressions and solve equations. You don't simplify something that has an equal sign, and you don't solve something that doesn't have an equal sign. For examples, you simplify 2/4 and solve x + 0 = 1

Why are math expressions true?

math expressions are true because its also science

In math how do you simplify an expression?

Math can be difficult at times. To simplify a math expression, it is important to follow the order of operations, or PEMDAS.

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Math expressions are basically number sentences.

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Math equations have an equals sign such as: 7+5=12 or 9x6=47+7 Math expressions do not have a equals sign such as: 43-27 or 8x40

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5x +50x

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a verbal expressions is a math questions .for example 8+6

How do you Use prime factors to simplify rational expressions?

just go to this website and type your question and then the tutor will help you step by step it helped me on a lot of things especially math the website>>>>>>>>> hope it helps

What does the word reduce mean in math?

in math terms reduce means to simplify

What does evaluate meen in math?

In math evaluating is where you simplify an expression as much as possible. For example to evaluate 5+2 you simplify it so it is 7. To evaluate 5x+3x+4y you simplify it to 8x+4y.