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For reasons similar to those which explain why mathematicians accept the definition of zero as a number.

It provides an identity for unions of sets, provides for closure of sets under taking complements.

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Q: Why you accept the definition of Empty set?
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How come an empty sets become an empty sets?

An empty set becomes an empty set by virtue of its definition which states that it is a set that contains no elements. In other words, it contains nothing, it is empty!

What are the kinds of sets and definition?

1]empty set 2]singleton set 3]finite set 4]infinite set >.<

Is a empty set a proper subset explain with reason?

An empty set is not a proper subset of an empty set.An empty set is not a proper subset of an empty set.An empty set is not a proper subset of an empty set.An empty set is not a proper subset of an empty set.

What is the definition of null sets?

A null set is an empty set, or a set with no elements in it. Although that may sound pointless, its uses are similar to those of 0 in arithmetic.

What is trivial subset?

The trivial subsets of a set are those subsets which can be found without knowing the contents of the set. The empty set has one trivial subset: the empty set. Every nonempty set S has two distinct trivial subsets: S and the empty set. Explanation: This is due to the following two facts which follow from the definition of subset: Fact 1: Every set is a subset of itself. Fact 2: The empty set is subset of every set. The definition of subset says that if every element of A is also a member of B then A is a subset of B. If A is the empty set then every element of A (all 0 of them) are members of B trivially. If A = B then A is a subset of B because each element of A is a member of A trivially.

Is an empty set a subset of itself?

Yes it is. Everything in the empty set (which is nothing of course) is also in the empty set. If it's not in the empty set, it's not in the empty set. The empty set has no propersubsets, though, or subsets that are different from it.

Is an empty set a subset of every set?

Yes,an empty set is the subset of every set. The subset of an empty set is only an empty set itself.

What is the meaning of empty set?

The empty set is the set that contains no elements. (It is the empty set, not an empty set, because there is only one of them. It is a unique mathematical object.)

What is empty set?

difinition of empty set

What isan empty set?

The empty set is a set that has no elements.

What will be the representation of subset of a empty set?

The only subset of an empty set is the empty set itself.

Is empty set a set and how?

empty set is a set because its name indicate as it is the set.