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Q: Will a problem with a even number of negative factors have a negative product or positive product?
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How can you tell from the number of factors when a product is positive or negative?

If you are multiplying negative numbers, an odd number of factors will have a negative product. An even number of factors will have a positive product.

How are Signs of Factors and Products related?

Positive factors will create a positive product.Negative factors will create a positive product.A negative and a positive factor will create a negative product.

What are the factors that will equal negative ten?

factors are the numbers you multiply together to get a product in a multiplication problem. a positive times a positive = a positive a positive times a negative = a negative a negative times a negative = a positive since you are looking for negative 10, you need one factor to be positive and one to be negative. this could be: -1*10 -10*1 -2*5 -5*2

Does a negative times a positive equal a negative What are the steps of multipyling negative and positive numbers?

Yes. In multiplication, the product is positive if the factors have the same sign,and the product is negative if they have oppositesigns.

Is the product of twenty-one negative integers is negative?

Yes. The product of an odd number (21, in this case) of negative factors will be negative; if the number of negative factors is even, the product will be positive.

The product of 18 negative factors will be?

If an even number of negative factors are multiplied together (such as 18 factors), the answer will be positive. If there are an odd number of negative factors, the answer will be negative.

What is the sign of the product of two factors that are negative?

two negative factors together would make a positive.

What is the sign of the product of an even number of negative factors?

The product will be positive in this case.

What is a negative times a positive?

NegativeIf the two factors have the same sign, their product is positive.If the two factors have different signs, their product is negative.

What is a Positive time negative?

NegativeIf the two factors have the same sign, their product is positive.If the two factors have different signs, their product is negative.

What is th product of two or more nonzero whole numbers?

The product is also a whole number. If the (number of positive factors) minus the (number of negative factors) is zero or an even number, then the product is positive. Otherwise the product is negative.

Is the product of 8 negative and 3 positive factors a positive or negative?

If I understand your question correctly, then the answer is negative because if you add positive 3 to negative 8 the answer is negative 5.