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No, they need not.

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Q: Will one Half Of All Data Values Will Fall Above The Mode?
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A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean?

A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean because One-half of all the data values will fall above the mode, and one-half will fall below the mode. In a data set, the mode will always be unique. The range and midrange are both measures of variation.

What is the median in a set of data?

The middle value so half the data is above it and half the data is below it. It is often used because extreme values tend to affect it less than other measures of central tendency. If you have an even number of data points, the median is the mean of those two points. ( So you add the two values and divided by two)

How do you use median in maths?

The median is a measure of central tendency. In a set of data, it is the value such that half the observed values are larger and half are smaller.

What is the median to 3 50g 5 100g 6 150g?

The median is the value that is in 'the middle'. That is, half the values fall below it, half above it. There are a total of 3 + 5 + 6 = 14 sample values. There is no 'middle' value exactly since there are an even number of values. Both the 7th and the 8th largest value are 100 g. Their average is 100 g. Therefore, the median of this sample is 100 g.

Is a 1945-S half dollar worth more than a 1945-D half dollar?

In all lower values they have the same value. Is values above MS60 the 1945-S takes a higher value.

How do you compare data sets using box-and-whisker plots?

You can see which has the largest spread of data.... Where the extreme values lie... The bigger the box the wider the spread of half of the data... and vice versa

What is the median if the range is 8-20?

It's impossible to tell given the data. The median is the value dividing the half of the elements above the value and the half below it.

What does it mean to extrapolate?

To extrapolate is to predict future data from the trends in your current data. If a half inch of rain fell the day before yesterday, and one inch yesterday, and two inches today, we might extrapolate and conclude that three-and-a-half inches will fall tomorrow, and that a week from now two feet of rain will fall.

What is the median of a set of values?

the median is a value of which half of all the values are less than, and half of all the values are greater than.

What is a descriptive statistic?

A descriptive statistic is a numerical summary of a dataset (e.g. a sample). There are four types of descriptive statistics that are commonly used: * Measures of central tendency: the central or most common value. # mean - There are several different types of mean, but by far the most commonly used is the arithmetic mean, which is simply the sum of the measurements divided by the number of measurements. This is typically what people refer to as the average. # median - value for which exactly half the measurements lie above and half below # mode - most frequently occurring measurement in a category* Measures of variability: the normal spread of values around the central value. # standard deviation - the mean of the squared deviations from the mean. 1 standard deviation is the range around the mean in which roughly 62% of the values of data will fall. # quartiles, deciles, centiles - divide the values in the data set into equal quarters (or tenths, or hundredths) by number of data points, to show how the values of the data points cluster around the center. # correlation - (for two variables) how closely the distribution of values in the two variables are related.* Measures of shape: what the data looks like. # skew - whether the data is balanced around the mean, or whether weighted towards one side or the other # kurtosis - the 'peaked-ness' or 'flatness' of a distribution.* Measures of size: # sample size - how many points have been analyzed

The Value which has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called?

The median is the value in the middle when data is arranged in ascending order such as (1 2 3 4 5) 3 is the median. half of the observations, (4 & 5) are above it and half of the observations, (1 & 2) are below it. Thus median is your answer. :)

Pre 1964 Half dollars?

You have to know the coins' dates, mint mark, and condition to get an idea of their values. Depending on the design, the mint mark - if any - will be in different places. For example, it's above the bell on a Franklin half, and at the 8:00 position on the reverse side of a Walking Liberty half. You can then get an idea of the coins' values from a site such as those linked below.