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Q: Will one ton of coal fit into an area 9'x5'x1'?
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If its a small one it could fit 6 people in the passenger area. A mid sized one can fit 10 and a large can fit 16-20 people.

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Illinois has a lot of coal under more than half its land area.

Where can you find coal in Wyoming?

Coal can be found in large quantities in the Powder River Basin in northeastern Wyoming. This area is one of the largest coal-producing regions in the United States, and it covers parts of Campbell, Converse, and Johnson counties in Wyoming.

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Fine the area of the jar then find the area of a quarter then divide the area of the jar by the area of the quarter and you get your answer.

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36 one-meter squares will fit into 36 square meters

How many one meter squares fit in a square area of 9 square meters?


How many times will Philippines fit into NZ if measured?

The area of the Philippines is 300,076 sq km, the area of New Zealand is 268,680 sq km. The Philippines will fit into New Zealand approximately .9 (point nine) times and New Zealand will fit into the Philippines approximately 1.1 (one point one) times

What is one thing that coal is used for?

coal is used for heat

The ruhr coal field in is one of th largest in the world?

Yes, the Ruhr coal field is one of the largest in the entire world. This coal field provides coal for all of Germany.

How many one-meter square fit inside a square that has an area of 9 square meter?
