No. There are plenty of prefices after trillions: quadrillions, quintillions etc.
The current national debt is approximately $14.3 trillion. In scientific notation that would be:1.43 * 1013 dollars
The value of the national debt is approximate due to exchange rates movements, interest charges, timing of payments and so on. So presenting it as an amount accurate to the nearest unit is misleading, if not dishonest. It is far more sensibly to express it in scientific notation. Unfortunately, there are many people who cannot figure out scientific notation although if they cannot do that does it matter that they don't know the national debt?
any where you want to use it. national debt about 13 trillion dollars or 1.3 x 1013
The amount of the national debt in expanded notationis? something to figure out yourself
18094123515000 in scientific notation is 1.8094123515 x 10^13
Nothing would be lost. You could always have the same number of significant digits as for the value in normal notation so that no information is lost. Since nothing need be lost, it cannot be important.
Nothing would be lost. If the US national debt is written as 1.7292*1013 dollars, then in theory, you lose the numbers below a billion dollars. But in fact you do not lose that information because by the time you read this answer, the figures at that level will probably have changed!
By using scientific notation very large and very small numbers can be more easily written, and allows for less chance of error. Scientific notation is particularly used by Astronomers, chemists and physicists. For example the nearest star to us is approximately 25000000000000 miles or 40000000000000 km away from us. Written like that not only are the numbers cumbersome but there is a risk of error in missing out one or more of the zeros. Using scientific notation, the distances become much easier to handle: 2.5 × 10^13 miles or 4 × 10^13 km. Similarly, a mole of an element contains approximately 602210000000000000000000 atoms. Again, this is much easier to write, read and use in scientific notation: 6.0221 × 10^23 A proton weighs approx 0.0000000000000000000000000016726 kg, or 1.6726 × 10^-27 kg in scientific notation. However, an abbreviated form of scientific notation* is used in everyday life, particularly on the news. The national debt of USA at the beginning of the year was approx $18.96 trillion. But what does this mean? 1 trillion = (10^3)^(4+1) = 10^15, so the national debt was approx $18.96 × 10^15 which is almost scientific notation (to be scientific notation it would be $1.896 × 10^16); similarly talking about the population of an area of 6.5 million people: 1 million is 10^6, so this is 6.5 × 10^6 (scientific notation). * Actually what is being used is engineering notation which is a form of scientific notation in which the power of the 10 is a multiple of 3, and the number before the "× 10^" does not have to be greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10.
the national debt was something used to create national debt
What was the national debt in 2003?
$350,000,000 in national debt
The US National Debt is nearly $16,963,703,000, or 16.9 trillion dollars.