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the nearest millimeter

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Q: Will you get more procise measurement if you measure an object to the nearest centimeter or nearest millimeter?
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Is it more accurate to measure an object to the nearest tenth 0.1 of a centimeter or to the nearest centimeter Which measurement is more accuret?

The smaller the measurement, the more accurate.

How do you get a precise measurement to the nearest millimeter?

a millimeter equals 10 centimeters, and 10 centimeters equals an inch. so you would take the inches and count the centimeters, then count 10 millimeter per centimeter

What is c Round to the nearest tenth of a centimeter?

1 millimeter...I think! :)

How many numbers do you write when making a measurement?

If you are using a ruler, measure one digit more than the ruler reports. For instance, if you have a ruler that reports to the nearest millimeter, you will write your answer to the nearest tenth of a millimeter. (Estimate the last digit).

What is five and a half cenimeters converted to the nearest millimeter?

There are 10mm in a centimeter, so 5.5x10= 55mm

What is 28.26 rounded to the nearest millimeter?

The answer depends on the units of measurement used for 28.26

A peace of wood is 2.27 centimeter thick What is that measurement rounded to the nearest tenth of a centimeter?

The answer is 2.3 cm

What do you use to measure the distance from your house to the nearest amusement park?


Using a metric ruler student x measured the length of an object to the nearest tenth while student y measure the length to the nearest centimeter which measurement is more accurate?

There are 100 centimeters in a meter. The second student (y) would be more accurate.

Describe how to use a ruler to measure to the nearest inch?

It depends on your ruler and what units are on your ruler. To measure to the nearest inch just find the inch measurement and round up or down to get to the nearest inch in your measurement is between two whole numbers.

What is 160.308 to the nearest centimeter?

160.308cm to the nearest whole centimeter is 160cm

When is it reasonable to measure to the nearest inch?

When you use near-obsolete measurement units.