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For a positive number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets steeper when plotted on a graph.

For a negative number, as the slope(y=mx+b where m is the slope) gets greater in value, the line gets less steep when plotted on a graph.

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Q: Without graphing how can you tell which slope is steeper?
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How does a graph line with steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a line graph with a steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a graph line with a steeper slope compared to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

How does a line graph line with a steeper slope compare to one with a shallower slope?

The slope will tell you how much change of Y to X >.

What does slope tell you about inches and centimeters?

Nothing. Slope is a measure used in graphing and algebra. Feet and inches are units of linear measurement.

How can you tell from a linear equation which direction it goes without graphing the equation?

You must find the slope, if it is positive, then the line is always increasing. If it is negative, then the line is always decreasing.

How do you figure out the equation of a table with a graphic calculator?

It depends on which calculator! If the data is linear, you can estimate the slope of the line and the y-intercept from graphing the data. By graphing the data, you will be able to tell if it forms a straight line or not.

How can you tell which equation has the steepest slope?

if you know the slope of two epuations, (if the equations are in slope intercept form (y=mx+b, y is the dependent variable, x is the independent variable, m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept) the line represented by the line with the larger slope (|m|) has the steeper slope. If the lines have the same m, the slopes are either equal or negative. If the slope of either line is undefined, it is steeper than any slope other than one that is undefined, in wich the slopes are equal

What line is steeper y equals 5x-2 or y equals 3x plus 10?

I won't tell you directly, but I will explain how to find out to you. In the type of equation you are faced with now (y=mx+b), m represents the slope. So, in y=3x+10, the slope is 3. Now, find the slope of the other equation and see which is greater. Lines with greater slopes are steeper.

How can you determine whether the contours on a topographic map show a gradual slope?

If the topographic lines are closer together it means that it has a steeper slope grade, if they are farther apart, it means that they have a more relaxed slope grade. There is usually a scale on the map that can tell you in exact measurements of the slope.

How could you tell an older rock from a younger rock just by looking at their isochrons?

You could tell an older rock from a younger rock by looking at it because the older rock isochron would have a steeper slope.

What is the slope of a graph line?

it is impossible to tell the slope of a line graph without proper points to evaluate from.