Either intersecting lines or perpendicular lines
Two lines cross or intersect at a point.
()=============================8 intersecting lines
Parallel lines.
Perpendicular Lines
Either intersecting lines or perpendicular lines
Straight lines that never cross are called parallel lines.
The lines that cross at a 90 degree angle are called Perpindicular lines.
Two lines cross or intersect at a point.
()=============================8 intersecting lines
So-called strike breakers became infamous in US labor union history. These were men who were hired by factory owners to disrupt striking workers' picket lines. The idea was to force the end of a strike and have the workers return to their jobs, often at bad wages. Violence to end strikes is now illegal.
The location two lines cross or intersect is called a vertex.
Lines that cross each other at 90 degrees are perpendicular lines.
Parallel lines are lines that never cross.
Just because they cross over each other doesn't mean they aren't still called lines.
Strikers generally consider those workers who cross the picket lines to be turncoats.
Parallel lines.