yes their is it is called a paralel two straight lines never meet
No, parallel lines are the ones that never cross each other. Perpendicular lines form an x.
two straight lines that will never intersect. ex. ___________ _____________ the lines go straight and never met.
Two coplanar lines that never intersect are called called parallel lines.
It has no paralel lines. A paralel line are two lines that never cross. If you notice, in a trinagle all lines are touching all other lines.
parell lines
parellel lines
Two straight lines can cross either once or never.
Parallel lines are lines that never cross.
Intersecting Lines. Two lines next to each other but go straight and never meet are called parallel lines. Perpendicular is when two lines cross right into the middle and makes 4 right angles (90 degrees). you!! :)
Parallel lines.
yes their is it is called a paralel two straight lines never meet
parallel lines
Parallel lines never intersect/cross.
Diverging lines are not parallel and never cross.
An example of a famous parallelism is "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."