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Q: Would a dog's order contain greater or fewer members than its class?
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Are the methods or members of static class static?

A static class may or may not have static members. Adding the static keyword to the class definition won't change this. Note that an inner class which is not static may not contain static members (unless those members are also declared final).

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Members of the middle class valued education because it would bring success.

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Would a science class or a math class be more likely to contain specimen's?

i think an science class because they study animals

what classification level would have the most members?

Typically, the classification level with the broadest scope, such as kingdom in biological classification or phylum in the animal kingdom, would have the most members because it encompasses multiple subgroups. These higher levels group together organisms with similar characteristics before further classifying them into more specific categories.

How would you access data members of a class in cases inside member function of another class?

Either make the data members public, or make the member function a friend of the class containing the data member.

Difference bitween various visibility modes used c plus plus?

By visibility I assume you mean member accessibility. C++ uses three levels of accessibility: private, protected and public. Private members are only accessible to the class itself and friends of the class. Protected members are the same as private members except derived classes also have access. Public members are fully accessible. With regards inheritance, base class members with greater access than that specified are reduced to the specified access in the derived class. Thus public inheritance has no effect on base class member access. Protected inheritance reduces public members of the base class to protected members of the derived class. Private inheritance reduces both public and protected members of the base class to private members of the derived class. Private members of the base class are never inherited, thus they always remain private to the base class. Note that access to base class members can never be increased through inheritance, only reduced or kept the same. However, as well as defining an overall inheritance access, you can also specify member-wise inheritance access. Thus you could use public inheritance overall, but specify certain public members of the base class to be protected or private in the derived class and/or certain protected members of the base class to be private members of the derived class.

Can a parent class access the functions of child class?

no, Parent class can not access the members of child class ,but child class can access members of parent class

Is it true that a derived class inherits all the members of its base class?

False. A derived class inherits the public and protected members of its base class. Private members of the base class cannot be inherited.

AQWorlds is Protosartorium class for members?

Yes, the Protosartorium class is for members only.

Describe various members a class definition may contain?

Fields - the various variables and objects your class uses, Constructors - used to initialize instance varriables, Methods - allow you to retrieve and manipulate data in an object

An interface can have private instance attributes?

No.The private modifier says that no other class can see that attribute. Since interfaces cannot contain any implemented methods (no functional code), there would be no reason to allow for private members of an interface.