No, for example. -8- -3 = -5, because it's as if you added 3 to negative 8, which brings you to -5.
This become a plus positive, -7 minus -7 leaves zero
The problem 20 minus negative 24 equals 44 because two negatives become a positive.
That would be negative 27.
because both are minus and minus and minus is below zero, it would be 2 further below zero, -7-2=9
I think you mean "What does negative 10 minus 5 equal?" If not, please correct me. But, the correct answer would be -15 or negative 15.
Positive (Plus) times Negative (Minus) always equals a negative (minus).
Whenever you minus a negative (number), you add. So it would be 104 - (-13), or 104 + 13, which is 117
The answer is negative fifteen or -15 Welcome!
A positive number minus a negative number? x - -x is the same as x + x because the negative signs cancel each other out and become positive. So, when you see two negative signs right after the other, just add.
A negative minus a negative turns the latter into a plus positive,for example -6 minus -3 would be :-6 ++ 3 = -3A minus negative always turns into a plus positive...To get more Specific:Suppose x and y are two POSITIVE numbers so that -x and -y are negative. Then a negative minus a negative = (-x) - (-y) = -x +yIf x > y the answer is negativeIf x = y the answer is zeroIf x < y the answer is positive
a negative number. think banking..... no money plus no money is ? Nothing (negative) "no money" would be zero, wouldn't it? Zero, or "nothing", is not negative. Still, a negative number plus a negative number is a negative number. minus X plus minus Y equals minus(X + Y).