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Q: Would the decimal go left if the measurement goes from bigger to smaller?
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Which way do you move the decimal in metric if your are going from a bigger to smaller unit?

The decimal would go left. For example: 18.0: Smaller: 1.8 Bigger: 180

Is 0.8889 bigger equals to or smaller than 0.9?

It is smaller than but if it was rounded to 1 decimal point then it would become 0.9

Is 3 eights bigger than 2 thirds?

Well 3/8 converted into a decimal is 0.38 and 2/3 converted to a decimal is 0.67 . So logically 2/3 would be bigger then 3/8 because usually the smaller the fraction the bigger the percent or decimal is.

Would 3 yards or 300 inches be bigger or smaller?

300 inches would be bigger

Would smaller tiles or larger tiles on a small bathroom floor make it look bigger?

smaller tiles would make it look bigger

Is 210 divisible by 10?

no a bigger number cannot go into a smaller number. A decimal would incur as it is smaller than 1. 0.476... 210 is divisible by 10 though, it goes into it 21 times

What is bigger decimal 11 or decimal 111?

I would say 0.111 is bigger because 0.111-0.11=0.001 and 0.11-0.111=-0.001

How would you write eight seconds as a decimal?

It is 8 seconds. A decimal representation does not imply a change in the measurement units.

Is 250 yards bigger smaller or equal to 800 ft?

It is smaller. 250 yards would be 750 ft

What is bigger 0.7 or 7 percent?

0.7 is bigger since 7% as a decimal would be .07

What would happen if your pupil did not get bigger or smaller?

your eye would explode

What mathematical symbol between 5 and 9 to get a number bigger than 5 and smaller than 9?

write a decimal point. so it would be like this: 5 . 9