90. A complete circle has 360 degrees; a right angle is one-quarter of this.
A full circle is 360 degrees, half of that, an arc, is 180. Half an arc, or a right angle, is 90 degrees. Ever heard someone say "Wow, he did a complete 180" when someone changes their mind about something? This is where it comes from. If you are in a circle and turn around to face the exact opposite side of the circle, you have turned 180 degrees. Anyway, the answer is 90 degrees.
180 degrees, this goes for any, and every triangle! (WOW!) / (^o^)
Wow. Really? Bad career decision.
70 degrees... wow!
Wow. Um, ok. Well, all of the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, so if it is equalateral, and also equalangular then each angle would be the same. So I will sum up the process in a few steps. 1. Know that there are 3 angles in a triangle. 2. Know that the sum of the 3 angles is 180 degrees. 3. Since all of the angles are equal, divide 180 by 3. You should get 60 degrees per angle. 4. Check it again. 5. The answer should still be 60 degrees. So, the answer is exactly 60 degrees.
duese`wow that is right
No, Bow Wow does not have a girlfriend mabye later on but right now no.
"That's definitely an obtuse angle because it's bigger than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees" "She is so obtuse, I cannot believe she couldn't answer the question" "Wow, dad, you're stomach is so obtuse" "not trying to be obtuse or anything, but what exactly does that mean?"
right click them.
This seems to be a good example of how to use 'obtuse,' meaning 'not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect,' in a sentence. "The inattentive student's response seemed quite obtuse to the students that were paying attention." obtuse has two meanings, one means not quick to alert in perception, the other one means an angle pass 90 degrees but below 180 degrees He is a very obtuse guy. Obtuse in this sentence means he is willing to try new things. He likes to try new things. The obtuse triangle had a 134o angle. "Since the angle was 106 degrees on the protractor, I wrote down that it was an obtuse angle." an angle is obtuse if it is more then 90° but less then "180°C" The angle 100degrees is obtuse. - Greater than 90degrees (less polite) Wow, he/she is obtuse(fat) A school student who can not answer simple questions is likely to be considered obtuse by a teacher. The angle at which the car impacted the wall was obtuse, being greater than ninety degrees. And after questioning the driver the officer considered the driver rather obtuse in that he didn't understand that crashing your car is not a good thing. One type of a triangle is an obtuse triangle. "That's definitely an obtuse angle because it's bigger than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees" "She is so obtuse, I cannot believe she couldn't answer the question" "Wow, dad, you're stomach is so obtuse" "not trying to be obtuse or anything, but what exactly does that mean?" That triangle is not a acute, its an obtuse.
They can get as hot as 170 degrees! WOW!
wow anser it right