

Write a C program to create a pascal triangle?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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int main(){

int line,i,j,k;

printf("Enter the no. of lines");




printf(" ");







return 0;


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Q: Write a C program to create a pascal triangle?
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it would help you logically.. and would simply introduce to you what is programming.. and about coding.. as having knowledge about this turbo pascal.. it is like studying first the logic needed in coding... ^^. Well, this question implies two things. First, the programming language Pascal is good because it is simple and easy to learn, compared to other languages e.g. C or Java. The code written in Pascal is also easy to read. There is less bugs (mistakes) when we write programs in Pascal, again compared to C. Second, the Turbo Pascal (software package) is a good environment for us to conveniently write Pascal programs. There are shortcut keys to compile and run the program. There are tools for debugging (correcting mistakes) in our code, too.