

Write a phrase associated with the integer -12?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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One less than -11.

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Q: Write a phrase associated with the integer -12?
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There is no way to write a small integer that is simpler than writing the integer itself.

What is the integer for 12?

12 is an integer.

How you write 12 as a fraction?

12 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 12/1. You can then calculate equivalent rational fractions if you multiply both, its numerator and denominator, by any non-zero integer.

What is the integer of -12?

-12 is an integer.

What is 12 over 1 as a mixed number?

12 over 1 is the integer 12; it is not a mixed number. You could write it as 120/n where n is any non-zero integer but why would you do that? It would be a pointless exercise.

How do you write 123 in simplest form?

123, like any integer, can be written as a fraction in simplest form by putting it over 1. 12/3 = 4

What is 12 as an integer?

The number 12 is an integer.

Write an inequality and solve The difference between 2 integers is at least 12 The smaller integer is 2 What is the larger integer?

Since the smallest integer is 2, the largest one let be x. At least 12 means equal to 12 or larger than 12. So we have this inequality: x - 2 ≥ 12 x - 2 + 2 ≥ 12 + 2 x ≥ 14

What is 12 in a fractoin?

12 is an integer , not a fraction - and certainly not a fractoin! You could write it as 12/1 but there would be little point in doing so.

How does 12 translate into a fraction in simplest form?

12 is an integer and an integer is the simplest form for an integer.

What are the integers of -8 and 12?

These are integers. So the integer if -8 is -8 and the integer of 12 is 12!