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void main( )


int a[50],i,n,s,t=0;/* the digit 50 can be any integer, its a user defined function a[limit]*/

clrscr( );

printf("\n\nenter the number of elements u want to enter");


printf("\n\nenter the numbers u desire");



printf("enter the element to be counted");







printf("the number u entered has occured %d number of times",t);

getch( );


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14y ago
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15y ago

// set up our input buffer

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

String currentLine;

boolean readAnInt = false;

// keep reading input until an integer is input

while (!readAnInt) {

currentLine = in.readLine();

try {

// try to convert from string to int


// now we know we have an integer: print number of digits

System.out.println("Number of Digits: " + currentLine.length());

readAnInt = true;

} catch (final NumberFormatException ex) {

// we go here if the user didn't type in an integer



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13y ago



int main()


char a[]={'s','h','i','k','h','a','\0'};

int i,count=0;




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Q: Write a program to count the number of times the digit is present?
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