0.375 is the highest value. You can look at the number in the tenths place, (0.x) and whichever has the highest value there, is greater.
Do you mean 2x = 5x35? If that's the case, then: 5x34 = 2 x34 = 2/5 x = (2/5)1/34 x ≈ 0.97341017614686370994
If you substitute some value for x, you can calculate the corresponding value for y.If you don't know the value for x and y, you have a relationship between two variables, that can not be further simplified.If you substitute some value for x, you can calculate the corresponding value for y.If you don't know the value for x and y, you have a relationship between two variables, that can not be further simplified.If you substitute some value for x, you can calculate the corresponding value for y.If you don't know the value for x and y, you have a relationship between two variables, that can not be further simplified.If you substitute some value for x, you can calculate the corresponding value for y.If you don't know the value for x and y, you have a relationship between two variables, that can not be further simplified.
X as a percentage of Y is 100*X/Y.
You calculate length x width x height
Select a set of values for x. For each value calculate the value of f(x). On a graph paper, mark the points [x, f(x)].
Find (or calculate) the equation of the line. Select any value of x. Calculate the corresponding value for y using the equation. Then (x, y) is a point on the same line.
Substitute the value 3 for x in the expression for f(x) and then calculate its value.
You can calculate a value if you assign a value to variable "x".