About 8 years to double (divide 70 by the interest rate), and presumably another 8 years to double again? This supposes compound interest. For simple interest, 11 years to double and 33 to quadruple.
the projected world population in ten years is 6,800,000,000
The world cup happens every 4 years.
21 years officially
World War 1 went on for about 4 years.
There has never been a million years in the world. The world isn't even 7,000 years old yet.
Can a bigginer can be tennis world champion in five years?
Yes the world is more than 10,000 years old.
in 10 years the world will be the same how it is now with drinks and plenty of food
27 years
world war one fought from the years of 1914-1918
6,000 years ago
The world's peak oil-producing years are projected to be coming in the years 2020-2030, or earlier.