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Q: You are a negative number greater than -8?
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Is negative 8 greater than 8?

No, because a negative is never bigger than a positive number. So -8 is smaller than +8.

Which is greater negative 7 or positive 8?

Try to visualize the numbers on a number line. If one number is more to the right than another one (with the number line in standard position), it is greater. Specifically, any positive number is greater than any negative number.

Is negative negative 4 less than greater than or equal to negative 8?

-4 is greater than -8.

Is negative 8 greater than negative 5?

no, as -8 is a negative meaning its below 0

Is negative 8 greater or less than negative 5?

Negative 5 is three units greater than negative 8.

Is negative 8 greater than positive 6?

No. All negative numbers are less than any positive number.

Is negative 8 bigger than negative 0.25?

No. The greater the numerical value after the negative sign, the lesser the value of the negative number.

Is 6 less or greater than negative 8?

Negative 6 is greater than negative 8 because -8 is 8 less then 0 and -6 is only 6 less then zero..

What number is 2 below -6?

your answer is -8 remember when you are counting negative numbers the more negative the number is the less that actual value is... Ex. Negative 5million is less than Negative 1 Negative 11 is greater than Negative 5hundred trillion Negative 9 is greater than Negative 10

Is negative 8 greater than positive 8?

No, negative 8 is less than positive 8.

Is-8 greater than 0?

No - if it's a negative number, it's ALWAYS less than zero.

Is negative 8 greater than 0?

0 is in the exact middle of the number line. All positive numbers are to the right of 0 (greater than 0) and all negative numbers are to the left of 0 (less than 0). So no, -8 is not greater than 0.