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Q: You are a product One of your factors is 4 The other factor is 1 larger What number are you?
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Is 9 a factor of three?

No. 9 is a multiple of 3, an equal or larger number which is the product of factors.

A number that is multiplied by another number to get a product?

This is called a factor. Factors, by definition, are numbers you can multiply together to get another number, or a product.

How do you write a number as a product of its prime factors?

write the number 14as a product of prime factor?

How is a factor a multiple and product alike?

A factor (or divisor) is a number which evenly goes into the number of which it is a factor. E.g. 5, 2, 10 and 4 are factors of 20. A multiple is a number which is a whole number of times larger than the number of which it is a multiple. E.g. 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on are multiples of 2. A product is very similar to a multiple; the product of two numbers is the two multiplied together. E.g. the product of 5 and 4 is twenty, as is the product of 10 and 2.

What is factoring multiplication?

Factor multiplication is the process of multiplying prime factors. The product of factor multiplication is the number that the prime factors are multipilicands of.

Is the greatest common factor of two numbers is equal to the lesser of the number?

Well, not always. The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10. But apart from that special circumstance, the statement is true. Apart from a number itself, all of its factors are smaller than it. Apart from a number itself, all of its multiples are larger than it. You can't have a GCF that is greater than the smaller number, and you can't have an LCM that is less than the larger one which means that the LCM of two numbers will never be less than the GCF. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.

How do you express a number as the product of powers of its prime factors?

You factor the number into prime factors, dividing each prime out.

What is a greatest factor?

All numbers have factors. Some numbers are larger than others. The largest number in a set of factors will be the greatest factor.

Is a prime number the same as a prime factor?

If you are talking about the number itself, they can be the same. To be specific: A prime number is a number that only has the factors 1 and itself. A factor is a number that when multiplied creates a product. A prime factor is a prime number that is multiplied to create a product.

Why is the largest factor of any number ritself?

Because numbers larger than the number aren't factors of it.

Why a prime number cannot be written as a product of prime factors?

A prime number has only one prime factor, and that prime factor is the number itself.

What is 47 as a product of prime factor?

47 as a product of prime factors is: 47. [47 is a prime number, so it only has itself as a prime factor - note 1 is NOT a prime number.]