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A square. Or an irregular, concave shape with with 5 or more sides.

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Q: You have four right angles but you are not just a rectangle What are you?
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You have four right angles but you are not just a rectangle?


Why is a square a rectangle Please answer?

Presumably because it has four right angles and four straight sides that are parallel just like a rectangle has.

Why is aquare also a rectangle?

A rectangle is defined as a four sided figure with four right angles. Does any of that definition not meet with the definition of a square? No. A square is just a rectangle with all four sides equal length. ■

What is a parallelogram with four right angles and opposite sides congruent?

A rectangle. It could be a square too but a square is just a special type of rectangle.

Why a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can never be a square?

A square can be a rectangle because a rectangle just has to have four sides and they all have to have right angles, which a square does. But a rectangle can never be a square because a square HAS to have ALL EVEN sides with all right angles. A rectangle possibly could not have all even sides.

Square are rectangles Explain?

, sir,Every square is a rectangle, since the angles in the square are always right angles. However, every rectangle is NOT a square: a square is just a specific type of rectangle. Hope this helps! :-)

Why is a square a rhombus and a rectangle?

There reason is because a rhombus must have two sets of parallel sides and a square has just that! It is a rectangle because it has four right angles as any rectangle must have!

What is a rectangle?

A rectangle is defined in plane geometry as a quadrilateral where all four of its interior angles are right angles. Note that this also makes a square qualify as a rectangle, which it is. It's just that the square has all its sides the same length. A rectangel is just longer than a square.

Does a paraollelagram have a obtuse angle?

Sometimes it has an obtuse angle. If it is just a parallelogram or a rhombus, then it has two obtuse angles.\. If it is also a rectangle or a square, then it has four right angles.

What is a parallelogram with 1 right angle?

A parallelogram cannot have just one right angle. If it has one, all four of its angles must be right angles and so it must be a rectangle (or, as a special case, a square).

How many right angles are in a rectangle?

Everyone askes how many right angles are in a rectangle and everyone says I dont know or they would say 2 but the right answer is 4. so do squares and just to warn you a square is a rombus and a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. remember a square and a rectangle both have 4 right angles.A rectangle has 4 right angles and 4 vertices.

How do you draw a trapezoid with 3 right angles?

It would be impossible. A trapezoid can't have three right angles. It would just make a rectangle.