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ummm can some one help me like how to do 3(y+6)=30

multiply it out... 3y + 18 = 30 3y = 12 y = 4

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Q: How do you add, subtract,and evaluate integers?
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How do you evaluate integers?

ask techer

What does evaluate mean in integers?

Evaluate means put numbers into a formula to see what the resulting value is. It does not matter what these numbers are: real, imaginary, complex, integers, etc, they are all treated as just values being substituted.

What is rule of adding integers that are different from each other?

how do you evaluate 5 - 7

How do you add integers if they are the same sign?

Add the magnitudes of the integers (-4 has a magnitude of 4), then take the sign to the answer.

Why is it important to add and subtract integers?

It is important to add and subtract integers: to get a new integer value in mathematics .

What do we call integers that add to zero?

Positive integers, if I understood you correctly

How do you do order integers from least to greatestwehen it has parenthesis?

You evaluate the quantities inside the parenthesis first.

How do you add and subbtract positive and negative integers?

When adding negative integers, you subtract. (2+-1=1) When subtracting negative integers, you add. (2--3=5)

What happens when you add sutract multiply and divide integers?

When you add, subtract, or multiply integers, you get integers. When you divide one integer by another one, you may or may not get an integer.

How do you find the mean of 5 integers?

Add the integers together, then divide it by the number of integers there are, (in this case 5)

What are the numbers you add called?


How do you find the average between integers?

To find the average of integers, add them all together then divide the total by the number of integers.