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hoe to find out net amount while basic salary is given?

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Q: Formula of gross to net amount?
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Gross of vat and net of vat?

There is no such term as gross of VAT. The amount with VAT is called the gross amount while the net of VAT is the amount after the VAT has been deducted.

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In NJ is the Executors fee based on the gross or net amount of the estate?


How do I calculate net price to gross price?

The formula is Gross = Net * ( Tax rate / 100 + 1) You can also use this site to calculate Gross/Net Price.

What you mean by gross pay and net pay?

gross pay= the amount a person is entitled to net pay= the amount a person is given after the deductions of different taxes and insurances.

What is the formula of net sales?

Net sales = Gross sales - (Customer Discounts, Returns, Allowances)

Gross pay net pay?

gross pay: the amount made before taxesnet pay: the amount after subtracting taxes and benefit from your gross pay

Use gross in a sentence'?

The company reported gross profits of $1 million last quarter.

What is difference between gross pay and net pay?

Gross pay amount is without any deductions while net pay amount is after adjusting the required tax or other deductions.

What does net of taxes mean?

It simply means what's left after tax is deducted from an amount. Net of tax = Gross Amount - Tax

How do you get net amount for 1280.00 gross amount?

The answer will depend on what you are "netting" for: taxes, deductions, other.