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Formula for breakeven point = Fixed Cost / Contribution margin

Contribution margin = Total Sales - variable cost

SO using above mentioned formula break even sales can be found.

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Q: How do you calculate breake even sales knowing only total sales and variable cost and fixed cost?
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To calculate your break even point you need to total your fixed costs and your variable costs (separately) . The equation is fixed costs ÷ (price - variable costs). Variable costs are your costs associated with production. If u produce one additional unit variable cost will increase and fixed costs will not. When you reach your break even point you have covered all if your fixed costs (for the month, for example). All units sold after break even will bring net income for the period since your fixed costs are covered.

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How do you calculate the fixed cost per unit?

Learn to study your Business Studies curriculum properly. The fixed cost is the same regardless of the number of units produced. The variable costs are the costs of producing x number of units. The break-even point is where value of sales = fixed costs + variable costs.