Bar Charts. A graph very similar to a histogram is the bar chart. Bar charts are often used for qualitative or categorical data, although they can be used quite effectively with quantitative data if the number of unique scores in the data set is not large. A bar chart plots the number of times a particular value or category occurs in a data set, with the height of the bar representing the number of observations with that score or in that category. The Y-axis could represent any measurement unit: relative frequency, raw count, percent, or whatever else is appropriate for the situation. For example, the bar chart in Figure 4.3 plots the number of people, in millions, belonging in one of the four major ethnic categories in the United States in 1990. Figure 4.3 Ethnic category is a qualitative or categorical variable. You can see that most of the U.S. population is "White." Bar charts can be used quite effectively with quantitative data as well but some problems occur. Figure 4.4 shows a bar chart of the sex partners data. Figure 4.4 A bar chart of the "number of sex partners last year" variable. Most computer programs that generate bar charts will treat each quantitative score as a category. What this means is that the bar chart may not space out the scores appropriately on the X axis of the chart. As you can see in Figure 4.4, SPSS ignores the fact that there are no 9s and no observations with values between 11 and 13. As a result, it places "8" and "10" right next to each other, and then places "14" next to "10." It simply treats these scores with no observations as impossible. As a result, looking at a bar chart can give a misrepresentation as to the shape of the distribution. Second, if there are many unique scores in the data set, each of which occurs infrequently, a bar chart may provide no additional information than could be obtained from just looking at the data set. For example, imagine a bar chart of the following data: 4.3, 6.5, 1.2, 6.9, 4.1, 0.4, 6.1, 3.6, 1.6, 2.3. There is only one of every score. So a bar chart would provide little information because it would just display 10 bars equal in height (i.e., with a height of 1).
You can answer survey and it will give you at least 1 or 2; install yoville tool bar and that will give you 12 yocash; open cottage box and it will probably give you 2 yocash.
It doesn't cost anything to burn a kit kat bar wrapper. The only cost would come from the price of the kit kat bar and the matches or lighter.
Advantages · They give the owner of the business an idea of whether they are making even or not. This can give a vital indication to stop the business from going into liquidation. · You can also use formulae which mean that you can when you enter new data the table automatically changes meaning that you don't need individually work each of the calculations. · It gives you the ability to change the data into a table or graph which allows the manager to easily locate which problems there are in the business. For example, pie charts, bar charts and line charts. These will give the user a clearer idea of what the financial issues are and can be dealt with quicker. Disadvantages · The disadvantages of spreadsheets are that you would need to train your staff to use the excel program efficiently. Some aspects are difficult such as creating a formula; you would have to train your staff which would cost time and money.
The password strenght should have a bar to tell you how strong or weak your password is....
a bar trading account is just like a profit an lose trading account use have sales then you minus less cost of goods sold then you have your opening stock at the starting of the year an then you add purchases an then you minus less closing stock at the end of the year an the balance that you get is called the gross profit.
type in the youtube bar "how to draw dawn in pokemon" that will give you a tourital
yes it is a diagram its a cb4 diagram
Its a maths bar diagram that you can use with tally charts to help you with counting the amount of things but in order
In business, a chart mostly refers to a pie chart or bar chart or a pictogram; a table is a set of data in numerical or textual form organised in a formal way; a diagram can simply be a line drawing.
A Venn diagram with just one circle or a bar chart with only one bar would represent a single element.
Barchart is the report of any data which you have done from day 1 to day last. Barcahrt have a subcategory which is called component bar chart which shows each specific component details from day 1 to day last
The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.The Drawing Toolbar.
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A histogram when plotted as a bar diagram, shows the frequency or relative frequency of a set of data. An example of bar chart that is not a histograms would be a plot of the average salary of Americans from 1980 to year 2000. However, if the salaries were broken into groups, and a chart showed the number or percentage of Americans making less than $100,000 and those making more, this would be a histogram.