The difference between gross pay and net pay is that gross pay is the amount that you receive before tax deductions and pay net is the money you take home after all the tax deductions
Gross = Before TaxesNet= After Taxes
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Gross working capital is the amount company invested in current assets while net working capital is the difference between current assets and current liabilities.
Gross pay is the number of hours times base hourly rate. Net is what is left after Insurance, FICA, Fed and State deductions. In other words, Gross is what you make, Net, is what you spend.
Gross margin is Gross income as a percentage of revenue. Net Margin is net income as a percentage of revenue.
Gross = Before TaxesNet= After Taxes
is net invesment = gross investment - depreciation
well there is no difference
What is the difference in Net and gross pricing in construction?
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for this answer, I have used "ULTIMATE BOOK OF ACCOUNTANCY"Ans : Gross Profit is Total Profit earned by a business.... whereas profit means net profit,it means .. Gross Profit - Indirect expenses + indirect incomes = profit or net profitFor more detail .. please see... "ULTIMATE BOOK OF ACCOUNTANCY" published by vishvas publications....
Gross profit - adminstrative expenses - markiting and selling expenses
The difference between a gross and net withdrawal from a fund has to do with how much money you will receive. The gross withdrawal is the amount taken out of your fund which includes fees that you will not get to keep, the net withdrawal is the amount you receive after the bank's fees and any others are taken out.
1. Net sales - cost of goods sold = Gross profit Gross profit / Net sales = Gross profit ratio